Home » Roma: cercasi systems security support

Roma: cercasi systems security support

Nuove Frontiere Lavoro S.p.A. – Agenzia per il Lavoro (Aut. Min. indeter. 13/I/0009873/03.01 del 12/05/2008 ) ricerca per importante azienda operante nel settore aerospaziale ambito Difesa e Spazio 1 systems security support.
Luogo di lavoro: Roma.


System Certification service: prepare, maintain and update the Server Security Plan for each GSCDA system to be implemented on the DMZ. This activity includes all eventual follow-up and relevant corrective actions in case of security plan approval showstoppers from the ESA internal Security Office (ESACERT) and/or ESA Security Officer.

Change management support: preparing, evaluating and issuing SDSR (Security Delta Services Request) when required.

Configuration Management related to:
– all security configurations
– OS/OS WEB baseline configuration (defining standard OS and COTS application security baselines shared between the GSCDA machines)
– OS/OS WEB configuration changes (implemented for security reasons)

– Implementation of ESACERT and CIS (Centre for Internet Security guidelines) security best practices, raising discrepancies as soon as they are discovered and performing installation/configuration customization when needed.
– Initial and periodic verification of all systems according to the above mentioned guidelines (Access control, daemon logs monitoring, IDS…).
– Co-ordination with the System Administrator team in order to edit and delivery of the server Security Plan.
– Co-ordination with the System and Network Administrator team in order to edit and delivery.

Qualification and Requirements

– Good communication skills and good knowledge of the English language
– Advanced UNIX/Linux OS knowledge
– Good MS Windows Servers OS knowledge
– Advance knowledge of security aspects related to Linux OS
– Good knowledge of security aspects related to MS Windows Servers OS
– Good knowledge of security aspects related to Web Server (e.g. Apache, IIS…), FTP Server (e.g. vsftpd, proftpd, washington ftp…), ORACLE and MySQL.
– Good knowledge of Linux FW (e.g. IP Tables) and related utilities
– Good knowledge of network utilities (e.g. network scanner and IDS)
– Good Knowledge of MS Office and MS Visio suite
– Experience on both System and Network Administrator aspects (UNIX/Linux and Windows)

Tipologia contrattuale: Somministrazione di 8 mesi
CCNL Commercio
Livello 2°
Full-time dal Lunedì al Venerdì

E-mail: selezioneroma@nuovefrontierelavoro.it
Tel: 06 71589203
Fax: 06 71073619;
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