Cosentino, first world producer of Silestone ® quartz surfaces, is a family-owned and wholly Spanish group. Cosentino focuses on the design, production and distribution of surfaces for kitchens and bathrooms from innovative solutions that provide design, brand value to inspire the lives of their clients. The group bases its development on international expansion and an innovative research program, which applies the most advanced technology for obtaining new materials.
Cosentino Group is looking for a Programmer Analyst. Functions: Analysing, coding and programming new orders, as well as developing pilot tests of new programms following the management staff guidelines. Performing the corrective maintenance of the implemented modules and participating in the new implementations. Solving users` incidents with Cosentino`s programs and applications. Carrying out unit testing and collaborating in the integration testing to launch new computer programs. Monitoring transaction processing to assure the data reliability and accuracy. Transfering know-how to other department colleagues. Planning daily tasks and participating in new proyects` planning. The ideal candidate should have knowledges of ABAP IV, previous experience of around 3 years and a high level of English.
Informazioni geografiche
Paese: Spagna. Regione : Almeria.
Retribuzione / Contratto
Salario minimo: 30,000.00
Salario massimo: 50,000.00
Valuta del salario: Euro
Imposta sul salario: Lordo
Periodo di retribuzione: Annuale
Ore alla settimana: 0
Tipo di contratto: Permanente più tempo pieno
Spese extra
Alloggio fornito: No Spese di risistemazione: No
Pasti compresi: No Spese di viaggio: No
Livello di istruzione richiesto: Formazione tecnica superiore
Qualifiche professionali richieste: No
Esperienza richiesta: Tra 2 e 5 anni
Datore di lavoro
Nome: Cosentino SA
Informazione: Nuria Lorenzo
Indirizzo: Crtra Baza- Huércal-Overa, km 59;Cantoria-Almeria;04850;España
Email: [email protected]
Come sollecitare l’impiego: Lettera + CV al datore di lavoro
Cosentino SA Nuria Lorenzo ( email: [email protected])
Termine ultimo per la presentazione della candidatura: 31/05/2010