Spagna: offerta di lavoro

Ref. Eures: 27560

Título Oferta: European Languages for Business Administration Team

País: Spain.

Número de puestos disponibles: 20.


Operations Specialist: Operational Support: Manage the relationship with the distributors as one contact for them; Transaction Processing Center Support: Manage the daily interaction with the Transaction Processing Center; Order, financial & physical claim Management: Pro-active monitoring of open orders & claims, using different tools and reports avoid escalations.

Customer Sales & Support: Guide Sales in the setup of new catalogue structures; Key contact for the Sales organization for Customer procurement solutions; Drive product catalogues setup & maintenance; Owning and resolving Customer support calls for all Customers registered; Liaising with 2nd level support were necessary; Reporting & analyses Customer Service Representative:
Customer relationships: Single point of contact for Customers. End-to-end customer´s orders follow-up; Claims management: Analyze, qualify and resolve claims; Invoices management.

Spagna: cercasi programmer analyst

Cosentino, first world producer of Silestone ® quartz surfaces, is a family-owned and wholly Spanish group. Cosentino focuses on the design, production and distribution of surfaces for kitchens and bathrooms from innovative solutions that provide design, brand value to inspire the lives of their clients. The group bases its development on international expansion and an innovative research program, which applies the most advanced technology for obtaining new materials.

Cosentino Group is looking for a Programmer Analyst. Functions: Analysing, coding and programming new orders, as well as developing pilot tests of new programms following the management staff guidelines. Performing the corrective maintenance of the implemented modules and participating in the new implementations. Solving users` incidents with Cosentino`s programs and applications. Carrying out unit testing and collaborating in the integration testing to launch new computer programs. Monitoring transaction processing to assure the data reliability and accuracy. Transfering know-how to other department colleagues. Planning daily tasks and participating in new proyects` planning. The ideal candidate should have knowledges of ABAP IV, previous experience of around 3 years and a high level of English.

Spagna: cercasi medico pediatra

Rif. EURES 4764991

Medico Pediatra/ Paediatrics Doctor

Informazioni geografiche
Paese: Spagna Regione: Guipuzcoa

Numero di posti: 1


Atention en consulta pediatrica, neonatologia y urgencias pediatrics en importante clinca privada. Se ofrece contrato indefinido. Salario bruto anual 40.000€ + 20.000€ bruto variable. Se ofrece alojamiento en vivienda compartida con otros profesionales durante el primer año de contrato. Important private clinic in San Sebastián (Basque Country, North of Spain) needs specialists in Paediatrics. Duties: Primary attention at the medical centre, emergencies, hospital admissions and childbirths. Requirements: Degree in medicine with a speciality in Paediatrics obtained in a country member of the EEA ((European Economic Area) or recognized in Spain. Experienced in a similar post. Good level of Spanish required. Salary: 40.000 € gross yearly + 20.000€ gross variable. Contract type: Permanent.

Spagna: lavoro per animatori

Ref. Eures 27510

Núm.Puestos 10 – Lugar de trabajo Spain, Baleares


Descripción: Leading Spanish Hotel Group looking for Entertainment staff. Are you enthusiastic, dynamic, charismatic and most importantly people orientated? Spoken languages English and German a must, other languages an advantage.

Spagna: cercasi animatori

 Rif. Eures Locale AC_680
Animatori polivalenti
Sede di lavoro:  Spagna (Andalusia, Cataluña, isole Baleari ed isole Canarie)

Descrizione dell’Offerta

Società di servizi di intrattenimento e animazione in strutture turistiche alberghiere, hotel club e camping su tutto il territorio spagnolo ricerca circa 650 animatori, in ogni ruolo e mansione, interessati a lavorare in Spagna.

Spagna: cercasi tourist enterteiners

Rif. Eures 4750912
Tourist enterteiners
Number of Posts: 1
Place of work: Spain, Las Palmas

Fiesta Consulting, Tourist entertainment agency needs an experienced Tourist entertainer to work in different places in Canary islands. He/she must be an experienced professional in tourism entertainment, good Spanish speaker plus German and English. Experienced working with micro, easygoing, extrovert, young and dynamic. The employer offer 1 year contract, you can have a disponibility no less than 6 months. Interested candidates, please contact the employer directly: Anja Rosling [email protected]

Contact details
Organisation: Fiesta consulting
Name: Anja Rosling
Address: Centro Comercial jardín del Sol, 2 y 3, 35100
Zip Code: 35100 City: Maspalomas
Country: Spain
Phone: +34928772856

Spagna: cercasi animatori estate 2010

 Eures Regione Lazio

La rete regionale Eures ricerca per la catena alberghiera spagnola Viva Hotels 13 giovani interessati a lavorare con un contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato durante la stagione estiva 2010.

Questi i profili richiesti

Animatore gruppi di ragazzi di età compresa tra i 4 gli 11 anni
Animatori sportivi
Tecnici del suono e delle luci

Cercasi animatori turistici in tutto il mondo

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo alcune offerte di lavoro dedicate a chi desidera vivere un’avventura all’estero come animatore turistico.

1) Animatori turistici in Spagna

Società di servizi di intrattenimento e animazione in strutture turistiche alberghiere, hotel club & camping su tutto il territorio spagnolo ricerca circa 650 persone con varie mansioni di animazione e spettacolo interessati a lavorare in Spagna.